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Toy Stories

Storytelling and pretending are natural languages of learning for our youngest students.

Children are focused and engaged as they learn the story’s words, gestures, and facial expressions.

Children work together to retell the Toy Story on their own.

Students draw story maps to share their learning.

Toy Stories develop children’s oral language skills, comprehension skills, and bring mathematical ideas to life!

The information provided in this workshop is totally going to change how I teach mathematics in my classroom. I am especially excited to watch how my students rehearse and perform for each other. I know when my kids construct their own ideas and teach their peers that their learning will be internalized and long lasting.

Early Learning Resource Teacher   |   Head Start Illinois

Workshops Available

Moving Through Math Toy Stories is an arts integration program where children use voice, gesture, and facial expression to bring mathematical tales to life. Young students manipulate small toys and found objects while telling stories with embedded math concepts. Through story telling and story mapping, students discover the foundations of math.

Other Pillars of Moving Through Math

Pattern Foundations

Students learn how patterns are the building blocks of math

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Grouping Games

Students plan, rehearse, and perform mathematical scenarios

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Math Talks

Students observe, discuss, and describe what they see

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Geometric Concepts

Students explore lines and shapes as they move through space

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