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TEACHER TRAININGTeaching the Music of Language Part 1: Exploring Rhythm, Reading, and Writing

Explore skill-building activities designed to improve students’ mastery of steady beat, syllabication and accent,
visual tracking skills, and overall reading fluency.

Students joyfully learn to move a steady beat in their bodies as they read poetry. Each child sees, hears, and feels
how the rhythm of language carries through the musical steady beat.

Students use musical devices such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, and form to craft their own poetry.
4th graders wrote this poetry collection after reading the book, “The Lotus Seed.”

About this Workshop

Numerous research studies document that children’s ability to hold a steady beat is critical to mastering reading fluency. Join our Teaching the Music of Language, Part I  arts integration workshop to discover how ELA teachers, ELL teachers, and reading specialists can leverage these powerful relationships between between music and language. Watch the video below to explore some of the techniques you’ll learn for teaching rhythm, cadence, and phrasing to improve children’s reading.

First, explore skill-building activities designed to improve students’ mastery of syllabication and accent, auditory discrimination skills, visual tracking skills, and overall reading fluency. Then, learn how to read poems and children’s books with accurate rhythm and phrasing. Finally, explore how poets use musical devices such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, and form to shape and craft phrases. Teach these writing techniques to your students and see how their language development flourishes!

Join musician and national teaching artist Marcia Daft for a workshop experience that will transform the way you think about teaching reading. Recommended for teachers of ELL students.


Grade Level: K-5

Number of Participants: 30

Workshop Time: 3 hours

Workshop Setup

  • LCD Projector and Screen

  • Speakers

  • Chairs arranged in a semicircle facing the screen

  • Dry Erase Board with Dry Erase Markers

  • Flip Chart with Paper and Markers

Resources Required

About Teaching the Music of Language

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