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Moving Through Math Free Resources

Math Objectives
Spatial Relationships: Above/below, In front/behind, Inside/outside, Around, Up/down, High/low, On/off, Beside

Arts Integration: Music, Chant & Drama, Finger Play
Grade Level: Pre-K, K, 1, 2
Group Size:
Time: 5-10 minutes


Put Your Hands Above Your Head


Students move their hands as they chant a simple story about a rabbit, and squirrel, and a butterfly. The children’s gestures match the story’s words and show the spatial relationships that form the story. Students draw a story map to demonstrate their understanding of the spatial relationships taught.

Marcia Daft

Marcia drew from her backgrounds in music, education, and engineering to create Moving Through Math.

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What is Moving through Math?

The 5 Pillars of Moving Through Math integrate 5 different art forms with the study of mathematics.

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News, Reviews & Awards

This unique approach to teaching math receives accolades from parents, teachers, school districts, and arts organizations.

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